Privacy Policy

Hello from As Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise Tour, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and the security of their personal data at the highest level. This privacy policy explains the types of information collected by Istanbul Bosphorus Tour, how this information is used and protected.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour collects various personal information from its users. This information is necessary for booking operations, customer service and personalization of the user experience. User information is used only for the specified purposes and the privacy of users is protected.

Cookies for You

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve the user experience and improve site performance. Cookies are small data files placed on users’ devices and help analyze how they use the site. Istanbul Bosphorus Tour uses the information obtained through cookies only to improve the site performance and personalize the user experience. This information is not shared with third parties and is protected by confidentiality.

Data Security

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour constantly updates and improves its security protocols to prevent users’ personal information from falling into the hands of third parties.

In case of any security breach, users are informed immediately and the necessary measures are taken. Istanbul Bosphorus Tour adopts and implements security protocols in accordance with international standards for the protection of user data.

User Rights and Data Management

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour provides its users with full control over their personal data. Users can view, update or delete their personal information stored on the Istanbul Bosphorus Tour. In addition, users may request information about how their personal data is used and object to certain data processing activities.

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour provides user-friendly tools and options for users to manage their data. For example, users can edit their communication preferences from their account settings and allow or deny certain data processing activities.

Third Party Link

Istanbul Bosphorus Tour for you may cooperate with third-party service providers from time to time in order to provide broader services to its users. Users should keep in mind that third-party sites accessed via Istanbul Bosphorus Tour are subject to their own privacy policies. Istanbul Bosphorus Tour is not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party sites and it is recommended that users review the relevant privacy policies before using these sites.